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Right, let’s talk annual leave and how to get the absolute most out of it in 2023. Less work, more play we always say! So bring that team calendar up, read on and find out exactly which days you need to book off to get a good chunk of time with your Out of Office on!

April ain’t the cruellest month…

A graphic showing the days you should take off in April 2023 to get the most out of your annual leave.

…it’s actually pretty generous!

With April comes Easter and we all know what that means… a shed load of chocolate eggs and a whole bunch of bank holidays, baby!  

What if we told you you could have 16 days off by using just 8 days annual leave? Get that diary out and book off the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th April and you’ll have a whopping 16 days out of office. We reckon that’s enough time to jet off to Orlando for some mega family fun in that glorious Florida sun – and it’ll taste even sweeter knowing you’ve only sacrificed 8 days for it!

We’re especially good at sending you on your merry way to Orlando here at Netflights, if we say so ourselves. Chris, one of our travel pros, doesn’t just love Orlando – it’s his literal fave place on the planet. Just give us a bell and we can always hook you up with a right good deal.

Next up… May

A graphic showing the days you should take off in May 2023 to get the most out of your annual leave.

Dust off the crown jewels, they’ll be on parade this month as Charles gets his coronation. That’s all well and good but the best part is that in celebration, we get an extra day off! Whoop whoop! That’s not one, not two, but THREE bank holidays in May. Blimey. So, get your diary out again and book off the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th May. Yep,  that’s just 8 days of annual leave and another 16 days off straight! You lucky lot.

Get those cheeks of yours to the Caribbean and watch the coronation from a beach bar. Drink a rum runner every time a hymn starts. Or head to that beauty, Bali. You’ll have just missed monsoon season and the high season hasn’t quite started yet so prices are low all around – annual leave ain’t the only thing you’ll be saving.

But, to be honest? We can get you a great deal on a holiday just about anywhere in the world you fancy, all ya gotta do is give us a tinkle. Our travel pros are super friendly, we promise. 

But what about August?

A graphic showing the days you should take off in August 2023 to get the most out of your annual leave.

So, we only get one bank holiday in August (boooo) but you can still get 9 days off (yay!) by using just 4. It’s still a win. So, book off the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th of August if you’re in Scotland or the 29th, 30th, 31st August and 1st September if you’re in England.

August is always a wash out so why not spend this time dune bashing in Dubai or scaling the Empire State building in NYC? Or if that’s a bit too much, you could always scale Sydney’s Harbour Bridge instead. Remember, Down Under is all topsy-turvy so August for them is the middle of winter which means prices are lower, but you’ll still get some pretty lovely weather because, well, it’s Oz!

Give us a call and we’ll get you on your way. 

Before you know it, December

A graphic showing the days you should take off in December 2023 to get the most out of your annual leave.

As always, in the blink of an eye December is here. This is the month of Santa Claus, getting the tree out of the loft, and running out of wrapping paper, yes, but – more importantly – this is the month that gives you the best deal for your annual leave. If you’re super organised and not bothered about a Turkey dinner, head out on holiday at Christmas. A little jolly hol to the Maldives or Thailand to leave all the chaos behind would be just the thing, we think.

Book off 7 days and get another whopping 16 consecutive days off – wow, pass us our passports already! The days you need to circle in bright red? The 27th, 28th, 29th December and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th of January.

Now, that’s what we call Christmas spirit. 

By our reckoning, if you’re lucky enough to get a good amount of annual leave you could have a massive 57 days off work by using just 27! 

Looks like a cheap holiday in 2023 might just be on the cards for you.

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