Cheap flights from London to Singapore

from as little as £469

37 nights in Singapore, departing London Gatwick on 10 / Sep / 2024 with Air China (price found 47 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 121,643 flights. 10 / Sep / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the London/Singapore route. There are around 7,858 flights on any given week from the UK to Singapore and the cheapest month to fly right now is September.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

22 °C


27 °C


31 °C

Rainfall (mm)

150 mm


189.4 mm


269 mm

Key facts about Singapore

How to get cheap flights from London to Singapore

Tips and advice from our flight experts

If you’re booking flights from London to Singapore, you’ll land at Changi Airport (SIN) – one of the biggest transport hubs in southeast Asia and one of the most impressive airports in the world. There are around 7,858 flights from London to Singapore every week, so you can find one that suits your travel plans.

From London, you can set off from several different hubs, but if you want a direct flight from London to Singapore you’ll fly from London Heathrow Airport (LHR). Airlines including British Airways, Qantas and Singapore Airlines operate direct flights from here.

If you’re trying to find the cheapest tickets, you could also consider flying from a different London airport and including a stopover on your journey. Flights from London Gatwick (LGW) often include a layover in Dubai, for example, which could shave some money off your ticket price.

For great deals on flights from London to Singapore, it’s also worth considering peak and low seasons. The most expensive time for flight tickets is September, when ticket prices are at a premium. You’ll probably find that accommodation costs go up around this time, too.

On the other hand, you might find cheaper flights in December – when temperatures are a little lower and there’s generally more rain. That said, Singapore’s climate is fairly similar all year round, with high daytime temperatures and a fair number of showers.

FAQs about flights from London to Singapore

Which airlines fly from London to Singapore?
From London Heathrow, you can take a direct flight to Singapore with British Airways, Qantas or Singapore Airlines, and there are indirect flights with airlines including Emirates, Royal Brunei, Cathay Pacific and China Southern Airlines. From Gatwick, you can also fly with China Eastern Airlines and Turkish Airlines, to name a few.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Singapore?
Air China, China Southern Airlines and Emirates often have the cheapest fares on this route.

Can I fly direct from London to Singapore?
Yes – British Airways, Qantas and Singapore Airlines operate direct flights from London to Singapore.

Which London airport offers the cheapest direct flight to Singapore?
For the cheapest direct flight to Singapore, fly from London Heathrow.

How long is the flight from London to Singapore?
The shortest flight time is 13 hours and 5 minutes, or thereabouts.

How do I get into Singapore from Changi Airport?
If you’re using public transport to reach the city, you can take the train from Changi Airport MRT Station (CG2) to Tanah Merah MRT Station (EW4), then transfer to the East West Line towards Tuas Link MRT Station (EW33). Trains run seven days a week, but check operating times if you’re arriving in the early hours of the morning. If you want to get a taxi, expect to pay between S$20 and S$40 for the 30-minute ride into the city, plus an airport surcharge, which varies. There are also 24-hour Ground Transport Concierges in the arrivals halls – a good option if you’re travelling in a large group – and public buses from all four terminals.

What are the top things to do in Singapore?
Singapore doesn’t do things by halves. Spend a day at the 74-hectare Singapore Botanic Gardens, or get lost in the vast, futuristic Gardens by the Bay – another supersized blanket of greenery that calls this place home. Follow the six-mile trail of The Southern Ridges around the city’s fringes, or hone in on the galleries, restaurants and hawker’s centres in the beating heart of the city.

Do I need a visa to travel to Singapore?
If you’re a UK passport holder, you don’t need a visa to enter Singapore for tourism, business discussions or social visits up to 90 days.

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