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Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport
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  4. Ontario
  5. Toronto
  6. Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport Flights

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Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport
If you are searching for cheap flights to Toronto Lester B. Pearson Airport YYZ, let Netflights do the hard work for you. The esteemed agents can help you find the best deals on return flights and the well-designed website enables you to choose the time of day you fly, compare airlines with customer reviews and book the perfect trip.

Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport flight facts

what you need to know

How to land a low priced flight to Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport

booking advice, visa information and airports and airlines tips

Cheapest time to fly to Toronto Lester B. Pearson Airport (YYZ)

Winter is the cheapest time to book a cheap flight to Toronto Lester B. Pearson Airport. With the exception of the Christmas period, excellent deals on last-minute flights can be secured between October and March. Be sure to pack warm clothes as winters here can be incredibly cold. Summer is a fantastic time to visit the city, despite the prices of direct flights being a little higher. The city turns into an open-air adventure with pop-up restaurants, colourful festivals and beer patio drinks aplenty.

Flying to Toronto Lester B. Pearson Airport (YYZ)

Situated 14 miles to the north-west of downtown Toronto, the airport is Canada's largest and busiest airport in terms of passenger movement. Flights to Toronto Lester B. Pearson Airport from the UK are serviced by a number of airlines. Air Canada, British Airways, Iberia, Air Transit and West Jet all run direct fight services from many UK airports, including London Gatwick and Manchester.

On arrival and getting around YYZ

Toronto Lester B. Pearson flights arrive at one of two active terminals, which can both handle large amounts of domestic and international traffic. A third terminal is currently non-operational. Connecting these two terminals is the automated LINK train. This internal transit system runs 24 hours a day to ensure the smooth operation of passengers taking Toronto Lester B. Pearson flights. Netflights can help you secure flights to Toronto and ensure that you arrive at a hospitable time using the excellent website functionality.

Getting to the city from the airport

The most convenient and cost-effective manner of reaching the airport for return flights is the Union Pearson Express. The line connects those arriving on last-minute flights to downtown Toronto from 5:30am until 1am. If your flight arrives outside of these hours, 24-hour bus services operate from outside the terminal building. Only licensed taxis can enter the grounds of the airport and limousines use out-of-town flat rates for airport pickups.

Don't Forget Before you Fly

Those arriving on flights to Toronto Lester B. Pearson in 2024 / 2025 must apply for electronic authorisation before travelling to Canada. It is not a formal visa and can easily be applied for online. The local currency in Canada is the Canadian Dollar and all credit and debit cards are widely accepted.
Min / Max Temperature (°C)

-10 °C


8 °C


27 °C

Rainfall (mm)

50.5 mm


71.1 mm


82.8 mm

Key facts about Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport know before you go

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