Cheap flights from London to Manchester

from as little as £99

5 nights in Manchester, departing London Heathrow on 12 / May / 2024 with British Airways (price found 16 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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12 / May / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the London/Manchester route. There are around 1,093 flights on any given week from the UK to Manchester and the cheapest month to fly right now is May.

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Key facts about Manchester

How to get cheap flights from London to Manchester

Tips and advice from our flight experts

If you need to fly from London to Manchester Airport (MAN), you’ll be glad to hear there are 1,093 weekly flights on this route. Even better, you can get from one UK city to the other in just over an hour – so you can either catch another flight from Manchester Airport, or set off and explore this buzzing city in the north-west of England.

If you’re trying to find cheap flights from London to Manchester, you’ll want to set off from London Heathrow (LHR). That’s currently the only UK airport that offers direct flights on this route. Flights also operate from London City (LCY) and London Gatwick (LGW), but they all include a stop.

British Airways offer direct London to Manchester flights, but you may also find a great deal on tickets with airlines like FlyBe and Aer Lingus, so it’s always worth shopping around. Plus, when you fly is just as important as where you fly from. Search by month to find out when flights are at the priciest and their cheapest.

Summer months – like July and August – tend to be more expensive for flights in the UK, whereas winter flights can work out more cost effective. Either way, it's best to book flights to Manchester in advance to avoid disappointment. Manchester Airport is the only airport in Manchester and a hub of international travel, so you’ve got hundreds of destinations to choose from if you’re using your London to Manchester flight as a springboard for onward travel.

FAQs about flights from London to Manchester

Which airlines fly from London to Manchester?
British Airways fly direct from London to Manchester from London Heathrow. You can also fly with airlines like FlyBe and Aer Lingus. Or, fly from other London Gatwick or London City, but you’ll have to take an indirect flight.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Manchester?
British Airways usually offers the cheapest flights on this route, but it’s also worth checking out FlyBe and Aer Lingus.

Can I fly direct from London to Manchester?
Yes – British Airways fly direct from London Heathrow to Manchester.

Which London airport offers the cheapest direct flight to Manchester?
London Heathrow is your best bet for cheap direct flights to Manchester.

How long is the flight from London to Manchester?
The shortest flight time on this route is around one hour.

How do I get to into Manchester from Manchester Airport?
Manchester Airport’s train station is in the airport building, with a Skylink walkway to get to it, so it’s easy to get into the city using public transport. Trains run to Manchester Piccadilly every 10 minutes, seven days a week, and the journey takes about 20 minutes. There’s also a 24-hour bus service from the airport, line 43, which operates to Manchester Piccadilly bus station. Or you can get a taxi from the airport to Piccadilly – the fare will cost around £30.

What are the top things to do in Manchester?
Lots of people take a flight from London to Manchester to visit the Etihad Stadium and watch a Manchester City football match, plus the huge venue hosts big-name musical acts and concerts, too. But the city itself has loads to see and do – from museum and stadium tours at Old Trafford, to art exhibitions and theatre shows at The Lowry. And there’s no end of ultra-cool bars, cafés and shops in the Northern Quarter.

Do I need a visa to travel to Manchester?
You don’t need a visa if you’re a UK passport holder travelling solely within the UK, but you may need one if you’re planning onward travel – so always check the requirements of the country you’re travelling to.

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