Cheap flights from Manchester to Bangkok

from as little as £559

25 nights in Bangkok, departing Manchester on 02 / Nov / 2024 with Hainan Airlines (price found 47 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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Today alone, Netflights has searched over 254,567 flights. 02 / Nov / 2024 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the Manchester/Bangkok route. There are around 18,870 flights on any given week from the UK to Bangkok and the cheapest month to fly right now is November.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

21 °C


28 °C


34 °C

Rainfall (mm)

10 mm


117.5 mm


320 mm

Key facts about Bangkok

How to get cheap flights from Manchester to Bangkok

Tips and advice from our flight experts

When is the best time to visit Bangkok?
November to February is cool season in Bangkok, after the monsoons, which makes it a great time to visit. Hot season runs from March to June, and rainy season from July to October. In terms of price, December is peak time in Bangkok, so it’s often the most expensive month to visit. On the flip side, August is often the cheapest time to book a trip.

How many flights are there from Manchester Airport to Bangkok Airport a week?
There are around 18,870 flights from Manchester to Bangkok every week.

Which airlines fly from Manchester Airport to Bangkok Airport?
Jet Airways, Air France, Finnair, Cathay Pacific, Emirates, Qatar, Etihad Airways and British Airways all operate flights from Manchester to Bangkok.

Which airlines have the cheapest flights to Bangkok Airport?
For the cheapest flights, try airlines like Emirates, Jet Airways, Air France, Finnair and Cathay Pacific.

Can I fly direct from Manchester Airport to Bangkok Airport?
No – flights from Manchester to Bangkok are indirect, so you’ll stopover in at least one destination. Emirates flights stop off in Dubai, for example, while British Airways fly via London.

How long is the flight from Manchester Airport to Bangkok Airport?
The shortest flight time from Manchester to Bangkok is around 13 hours 10 minutes.

What time should I arrive at Manchester Airport?
As a rough guide, you need to have checked in and be ready to go through security at least two hours before your flight is due to depart, although different airlines have different rules so it’s always worth checking and allowing plenty of time.

How do I get to Manchester Airport?
If you’re using public transport, the train is a good option – Manchester Airport’s train station is in the airport building, so the terminals are nice and easy to walk to. There’s also a Stagecoach bus service from the city centre to the airport that runs 24 hours a day. As for road access, Manchester Airport is nine miles south of the city centre, next to the M56 with good links to the M6, M60 and M62. Manchester Airport’s postcode is M90 1QX – check which terminal you’re flying from before you get here, then follow the relevant signs. There’s a free drop-off point on Thorley Lane, next to the JetParks 1 car park.

How do I get into Bangkok from Bangkok Airport?
You’ll arrive on the second floor of Bangkok Airport. To take a taxi into the city centre, head to gates 4 and 7 on the first floor. A taxi to the centre of Bangkok can cost you anything up to 500 baht, which includes a toll fee and the airport tax of 50 baht. To get the Airport Rail Link, head to the basement instead – you can get into the centre of Bangkok this way for about 45 baht, so it’s a much cheaper option.

Do I need a visa to travel to Bangkok?
No – if you’re a British passport holder, you can enter Thailand for 30 days without a visa. It’s known as a visa exemption.

Airport Information

Flying from Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport has three passenger terminals, and you can walk between each one easily. There’s a skylink connecting Terminals 1 and 2, which are about a 15-minute walk away from each other, and a covered walkway between Terminals 1 and 3, which are only five minutes apart. Emirates flights set off from Terminal 1, where there are plenty of shops as well as the Escape Lounge, which you can pre-book. British Airways flights set off from Terminal 3, and there are Travelex UK currency exchange services in all three airport terminals if you want to convert your currency before you fly.

Landing in Bangkok Airport
Bangkok Airport has three terminals in the same building – terminals 1 and 2 for international flights, and a third for domestic flights only. Unlike lots of airports where you’ve got miles to walk between terminals, Bangkok Airport has its international terminals right next to each other, so getting between them is nice and quick. Even the domestic terminal is only 500 metres away from Terminal 2. If you’re flying from Manchester, you’ll land in Terminal 1 or 2. Arrivals are on the second floor, and there are plenty of airport lounges and even a pretty airport garden. You’ll find ATM machines and currency exchange services on levels 2, 3 and 4 of the airport, as well as the basement.

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