Cheap flights from Bangkok to Phuket

from as little as £84

3 nights in Phuket, departing Bangkok on 15 / Apr / 2025 with Thai Airways International (price found 53 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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15 / Apr / 2025 is currently the lowest priced day of the year to fly the Bangkok/Phuket route. There are around 100 flights on any given week from the UK to Phuket and the cheapest month to fly right now is April.

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Min / Max Temperature (°C)

21 °C


27 °C


33 °C

Rainfall (mm)

34 mm


205.6 mm


373 mm

Key facts about Phuket

How to get cheap flights from Bangkok to Phuket

Tips and advice from our flight experts

When is the best time to visit Phuket?
The flight from Thailand’s capital, Bangkok, to the island of Phuket is a popular one – and no wonder. This Thai isle is blessed with paradise beaches that make the perfect place for R&R after a visit to the buzzing city. January is one of the best times to visit Phuket weather-wise, as the temperature from November to February is cool and dry enough to explore. So, unsurprisingly, why visitor numbers and flight prices peak around this time. If you’re looking for the cheap flights from Bangkok to Phuket, you could try October, which is the end of monsoon season. But flight prices for this short hop across Thailand, which takes just over an hour, are generally low all year round – so you’ve got a great chance of finding a bargain.

How many flights are there from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport to Phuket International Airport a week?
There are around 100 weekly flights from Bangkok Airport (BKK) to Phuket Airport (HKT).

Which airlines fly from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport to Phuket International Airport?
Thai Airways International, Bangkok Airways, Thai Smile and VietJet Air all fly from Bangkok Suvarnabhumi to Phuket. Additional airlines fly from Bangkok’s other airport, Don Mueang (DMK).

Which airlines have the cheapest flights from Bangkok to Phuket?
VietJet Air often have the cheapest flights from Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport to Phuket.

Can I fly direct from Bangkok to Phuket?
Yes, you can fly direct from Bangkok to Phuket with airlines including Thai Airways International, Bangkok Airways and VietJet Air.

How long is the flight from Bangkok to Phuket?
The shortest flight time is in the region of 1 hour and 20 minutes.

What time should I arrive at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport?
Although it’s a domestic flight, we’d still recommended arriving at least two hours before your flight. Check with your airline for specific timings.

How do I get to Bangkok Airport?
Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport is just east of the city. The Airport Rail Link is an express train that connects the city centre with Suvarnabhumi Airport. City Line trains leave every 15 minutes, take about 25 minutes, and a one-way ticket will cost you around 45 Baht. You could also take a taxi to the airport, which will cost from 250-400 Baht plus a 50 baht meter fare and any tolls. However you get there, make sure you’re heading for the right airport – Bangkok has a second airport, called Don Mueang or DKK.

How do I get to into Phuket from Phuket International Airport?
Cost-wise, a shared minibus is the best value for money – it’s about 200 Baht per person. There are booths to book tickets in the terminal, but you’ll need to wait until the bus fills up before you depart, and the bus will stop at everyone’s hotel so it may take a bit longer than a private transfer. An airport limousine is often a quicker option – you can book this at the same counter in the airport. There’s a board with set fares displayed, so you’ll know what you’re paying before you set off. Or, there are taxi stations outside where you can pick up a cab, which will often work out slightly cheaper. A taxi from Phuket Airport to Patong Beach costs about 600 Baht plus a 100 Baht airport fee, for example. The Phuket Smart Bus is the cheapest option of them all, but it’s also the slowest.

Do I need a visa to travel to Phuket?
If you’re a British passport holder, you can enter Thailand for 30 days without a visa. This is known as a visa exemption. But if you plan to stay for longer than 30 days, intend to work, or use land borders regularly, you’ll need to get a visa before you travel.

Airport information

Flying from Bangkok Airport
Suvarnabhumi Airport is a large, modern airport that can be quite confusing if you’ve not been before. There are three terminals – Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 handle international flights, while Terminal 3 handles domestic flights including those to Phuket. They’re all relatively close to each other, so don’t worry if you end up at the wrong terminal. The airport has facilities like free Wi-Fi, plenty of duty-free shops, and even an airport garden if you’ve got some time to kill.

Landing in Phuket Airport
Flights from Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport to Phuket International Airport arrive into Terminal 2, the airport’s domestic terminal. Terminal 1 deals with all international flights. There are several ATM machines in the airport, so you can withdraw and change money. The centre of Phuket is about 20 miles away. Alternatively, if you’re taking another flight, a shuttle runs between the terminals.

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