Cheap flights from London City Airport to Fortaleza

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Cheap return flights from London City Airport to Fortaleza

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The London City Airport / Fortaleza route

All 7154 km of it

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Key facts about Fortaleza

How to get cheap flights from London City Airport to Fortaleza

Tips and advice from our flight experts

At the moment, there are zero airlines flying to Fortaleza. Go through the results to find the right flights for you – you can adjust the filters to see find even more flights to Fortaleza.

But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be the best option for your travel dates. To see as many flights as possible, try widening your search to include other departure airports.

Take a look at flight times to see which one works best for you.

If you need somewhere to stay for your trip to Brazil, take a look at our accommodation options.

Other popular destinations near Fortaleza

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