Search for cheap flights and last-minute deals with Netflights. We've scanned all the flights from London Gatwick to Malta, across the three airlines that offer this route. We've found that 29 / Nov / 2024 is the cheapest date to travel at the moment, but it's best to go through the results to see which flight suits you.
The most popular airlines offering flights to Malta are British Airways, KM Malta Airlines & Vueling. British Airways is the most popular one, but that doesn’t mean their flights will be the cheapest. If you can't find a flight time that suits you, why not look at flying out from a different airport?
The distance between London Gatwick to Malta is 2064 km. Normally, it takes about 4 hrs to fly, and you can definitely expect the journey to be at least 3 hrs 10 mins. You can see the various flight times in the results.
The cheapest month to fly to Malta is January, while July is when the prices of flights, hotels and car hire will be at their highest. If you need somewhere to stay for your trip to Malta, take a look at our accommodation options.