Search for cheap flights and last-minute deals with Netflights. We've scanned all the flights from London Heathrow to Faisalabad, across the two airlines that offer this route. We've found that 26 / Sep / 2024 is the cheapest date to travel at the moment, but it's best to go through the results to see which flight suits you.
There are 111 flights from London Heathrow to or via Faisalabad every week. Out of the two available airlines, the most popular ones are Emirates & Turkish Airlines. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be the best option for your travel dates. To see as many flights as possible, try widening your search to include other departure airports.
The distance between London Heathrow to Faisalabad is 6236 km. Normally, it takes about 16 hrs 25 mins to fly, and you can definitely expect the journey to be at least 13 hrs 20 mins. You can see the various flight times in the results.
If you want to travel in March, it's best to book your flights early, as this is peak season in Faisalabad. The cheapest month to fly is normally February – try searching three to four months prior to then to get a bargain. You can also search by month, which will reveal the cheapest time of the week to fly.