Your flight from Teesside to Buenos Aires should take about 17 hrs 35 mins. We've gone through all 12 of the weekly flights to or via Buenos Aires, operated by two airlines, to help you compare flight prices and times. At the moment, the cheapest flight is £1,192.
KLM & Air France are the most popular airlines for flying from Teesside to Buenos Aires. Adjust your search options to look by month, and see how much you could save if you fly during low season.
Buenos Aires actually has one airports to choose from – but Buenos Aires Ezeiza Ministro Pistarini Airport (EZE) is the usually the cheapest option. If you need to fly into a specific airport, adjust your search to focus on those flights. The most popular airlines include KLM & Air France.
If you can’t find flights that suit you, consider flying to another part of Argentina.