Cheap flights to Medford

Fly from as little as £755

2 nights in Medford, departing London Heathrow on 09 / May / 2025 with Virgin Atlantic (price found 24 hours ago)

Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hours

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You’ve searched for flights to Medford. Currently, the cheapest priced departure date is 09 / May / 2025. We recommend you start your flight search well in advance of booking and monitor the cost of flights, unless you’re looking to bag a last minute deal. The more flexible you can be in your dates of travel, the more cheaper options will become available to you. For example, flying during the week is often cheaper than weekends.

Medford flight facts

what you need to know

How to land a low priced flight to Medford

booking advice, visa information and airports and airlines tips

We've collated all the flights to Medford, to help you find the best flight deal for your trip to the USA. The most popular airlines are Virgin Atlantic, British Airways & Aer Lingus but they're not always the cheapest. Take a look at your results and see what your options are.

If these flights are too expensive, try searching for a different time of year. It's likely that prices for both flights and accommodation So if your dates are flexible, consider looking at different times of year.

170 direct and indirect flights go to Medford every week and we scan them all. Look out for flights with Icelandair, as they often have good deals. Or broaden your search by looking at other airports in the USA.

You can also broaden your search by looking at more than one departure airport. Have a look around – you might be able to save by flying from a different airport or city.

Min / Max Temperature (°C)

-1 °C


12 °C


32 °C

Rainfall (mm)

9 mm


43.2 mm


87 mm

Key facts about Medford know before you go

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