Trying to find cheap hotels in Aruba? We compare loads of different options to help you track down the best price. If you’re flexible on travel dates, you should try searching by month to give yourself a better chance of finding a good deal. March is usually the cheapest time to stay in Aruba, so consider planning your trip around then if you're travelling on a budget. Hotel prices are at their highest in February – but you might find a last-minute deal.
At the moment, the cheapest hotel is Renaissance Wind Creek Aruba Resort – it costs £154pppn for 10 nights in November.
There are plenty of hotels in Aruba, but they do get booked up.
Most people stay in Aruba for 8 days on average. You can stay for less time, of course – just make sure you have enough time to tick off the big attractions. It’ll be very crowded during high season, February, while March is when the country is at its quietest.