Your flight from Aberdeen to Houston should take about 14 hrs 15 mins. We've gone through all 128 of the weekly flights to or via Houston, operated by seven airlines, to help you compare flight prices and times. At the moment, the cheapest flight is £728.
Or, if you're fairly flexible on dates, try to get a last minute-deal by regularly checking the Netflights website.
Houston actually has one airports to choose from – but Houston George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) is the usually the cheapest option. If you need to fly into a specific airport, adjust your search to focus on those flights. The most popular airlines include Virgin Atlantic, Iberia Airlines & KLM.
If you can’t find flights that suit you, consider flying to another part of the USA. Today alone, Netflights has scanned 758 flights worldwide, so we're confident you'll be able to find a great cheap flight for you.