To see a wider selection of flights to London, try searching by city rather than by airport. 139 direct and indirect flights touch down here every week, so you've got plenty of choice.
The cheapest airline to fly to with is normally Aurigny. But if you're flexible about when you go to London City Airport, try looking at flights in April, as this is usually the cheapest time to go to United Kingdom. Play around with the search options to see what you can find.
If you want to fly in April, expect prices to be higher as this is the peak season in London. To find the best deal, why not look at other options in United Kingdom? Some other cities may have cheaper options for flights and accommodation.
When it comes to getting cheap flights to , the most important thing is to book in advance. Bargain deals and last-minute offers for London do crop up, but you'll have to be flexible to get them. If you want to fly at a specific time, it's always best to book early. The same applies to hotels – the earlier you book, the more choice you'll have.