Cheap flights from Birmingham to Perth
from as little as £900
9 nights in Perth, departing Birmingham on 17 / Nov / 2025 with Turkish Airlines (price found 46 hours ago)
Subject to availability, prices correct of the last 24 hoursCheap return flights from Birmingham to Perth
Find the best dealsThe Birmingham / Perth route
All 14612 km of itCheap flight deals for this route
See what's hot at the momentPerth flight facts
What you need to knowHow much are flights normally?
If you see flights from Birmingham to Perth for less than this, you've found a good deal.
When is the best time to book cheap flights?
If you want cheap flights from Birmingham to Perth, this is the best time to book.
What are the cheapest airlines?
- Turkish Airlines
These airlines usually offer the cheapest flights from Birmingham to Perth.
What airlines fly indirectly?
- Qatar Airways
- Emirates
- Turkish Airlines
- Lufthansa
These airlines fly from Birmingham to Perth, but you’ll have at least one layover.
When is high season?
- March
This is the most expensive time to fly to Perth. If this is when you want to go, book your flight from Birmingham in advance.
When is the cheapest time to fly?
- July
Flights from Birmingham to Perth are usually cheaper at this time of year.
How long is the flight?
This is the shortest flight time from Birmingham to Perth.
How long should I stay in Perth?
Most people spend this amount of time in Perth.
Alternative flights from the UK to Perth
Check out prices for other routesAlternative flights from Birmingham
You might find cheaper flights nearbyGet your flights from Birmingham to Perth and you'll be exploring the wonders of Western Australia in no time!
Min / Max Temperature (°C)
9 °C
18 °C
30 °C
Rainfall (mm)
0 mm
67.5 mm
180 mm
Key facts about Perth
Australian dollar
8 hrs ahead of GMT
How to get cheap flights from Birmingham to Perth
Tips and advice from our flight expertsNo, there are no direct flights from Birmingham to Perth. However, you can easily find one-stop or two-stop routes with airlines like Emirates, Qatar Airways, Qantas, Singapore Airlines, and many more.
What is the best time to book a flight from Birmingham to Perth?
It’s ideal to book flights to Perth three to four months in advance to get the best rates. To get the cheapest prices, look to fly during off-peak periods, like late autumn (April to early June) or late winter (August to September) for lower prices.
Are there alternative departure airports near Birmingham for more competitive prices?
Manchester Airport is an excellent alternative if you’re looking for more flight options and possibly better deals. If you're feeling spontaneous, you can look for last minute flight deals, too.
Are there any alternative airports near Perth for better deals?
Perth is the main airport for international flights to and from Western Australia. You'll get the best prices by flying into Perth from the UK - alternatively, you could fly into another Australian city and connect via domestic flight into a smaller airport like Broome.
What are some family-friendly amenities on flights to Perth?
Many airlines offer excellent family-friendly services, including entertainment programs for kids, extra baggage allowance for prams or baby equipment, and pre-bookable kids' meals. Emirates and Qatar Airways are particularly well-suited for family travel, ensuring little ones are kept entertained throughout the journey.